Men in Pink | Breast Cancer Resource Center

Men in Pink

Emotion into action.

A breast cancer diagnosis is not only devastating to the person facing the long road of treatment and recovery, but also for the family, loved ones, friends, and partners who love and support them. Men in Pink was founded in the spirit of transforming those emotions of pain, frustration, and a deep need to help, into actions that better the lives of those with breast cancer.

Men in Pink is a distinguished group of compassionate and philanthropic leaders dedicated to raising awareness and funds to help the Breast Cancer Resource Center of Santa Barbara with its mission to support individuals facing breast cancer through providing a community of personal support, encouragement, and resources needed to cope, heal, and thrive.

Our focused vision is to create a strong foundation for the future with the initiative to build an endowment in order to ensure the BCRC services remain available to all who can benefit.

Men in Pink is an opportunity to turn emotion into action, alongside a network of individuals making a difference. Your contribution will directly reverberate through time and affect those who will be dealing with this disease in the future to find support and heal from the inside out.

Join Us

The greatest gifts begin with an act of love.

The best way to understand the spirit behind Men in Pink is through the story of our Honorary Founding Member, Dr. Michael Brinkenhoff. Let his story inspire you and help to turn your emotion into action by joining his efforts to support the BCRC as a member of this important group. Together we can make a difference and honor the strength and journeys of those we love or have lost.

Gayle and Michael Brinkenhoff, M.D.

Building a Legacy of Love

Ophthalmologist, Michael Brinkenhoff, M.D., never set out to start an entirely new category of beauty products, or a globally recognized beauty cosmetics brand. His goal was simple: to create a product that would help his beloved wife, Gayle, feel more beautiful during her 25-year battle with metastatic breast cancer — a battle that compromised her health and beauty of her lashes, brows, and hair, and affected her otherwise glowing self-esteem. So, Dr. Brinkenhoff did what any loving husband would do — he went to work, inventing a solution that would lift his wife's spirits by restoring the health and beauty of her natural lashes.

The Heart of RevitaLash Cosmetics

Though Gayle lost her battle in 2013, her legacy still lives on through RevitaLash Cosmetics Philanthropy for global breast cancer awareness, research and education initiatives to be at the forefront of finding a cure for this disease.

Dr. Brinkenhoff embodies the spirit of Men in Pink — turning emotion into action.

“I'm very fortunate, in my own small way, to have been able to help Gayle through her recovery. Watching her be excited about her beautiful looking lashes has been a real joy.” Dr. Michael Brinkenhoff

BCRC is honored to launch Men in Pink — a new funding initiative — and to be a RevitaLash Cosmetics grant funds recipient.

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